B-25 ‘Betty’s Dream’ Yours for Just $2.6 MILLION!

Oshkosh Golden Wrench Award Winner, Ground-up B-25 Restoration by Aero Trader
668 Hours Since Complete Restoration by
Aero Trader, Chino, CA (Dec. 1998)
5156 Hrs SMOH
Wright R-2600-29A
LH: 668 Hrs SMOH by JRS
RH: 668 Hrs SMOH by JRS
King KMA-24 Audio Panel
Dual KX-155 Nav/Comms
GPS 150
King ADF
KT-76A Transponder
PS-1000 ICS
23E50 Three Blade Propeller 6359A-18 Blades
LH: Hours SPOH by San Antonio Propeller (Prop AD Completed Mar. 2016)
RH: Hours SPOH by San Antonio Propeller (Prop AD Completed Mar. 2016)
General Specifications:
WEIGHT: Empty 19,490 lbs, Gross 27,051 lbs, Useful Load 6,746 lbs
WINGSPAN: 67 ft. 6.7 in.
LENGTH: 52 ft. 11 in.
HEIGHT:16 ft. 9 in.
SPEED :Cruise 230 mph Max Speed 300+ mph
CEILING:24,200 ft.
RANGE: 1,350 miles
IFR Certified
Gun Nose with 8 .50’s in nose
2 in Top Turret
2 Waist Guns
2 Guns in Tail Turret
All Guns are Authentic and have been de-milled
Turrets and Gun Sights in Working Condition
All Guns have Ammo Boxes and Ammo Belts
Oshkosh Golden Wrench Award, Reserve Grand Champion Winner
“Betty’s Dream” painted in honor of Capt. Charles E. “Pop” Rice, Jr., who became Operations Officer of the 499th Squadron and was assigned to Betty’s Dream in June 1945. Betty’s Dream had taken part in 22 missions and sunk two Japanese Ships.
Restored to Original WWII radio equipment and furnishings
Restoration Details:
Ground up restoration completed Dec 1998 by Aero Trader
Aircraft completely disassembled, all components and systems removed
Airframe stripped, media blasted and inspected. Repainted with epoxy tinted to match original
Areas showing any evidence of corrosion were either cleaned and treated or parts replaced
Reskined as needed
Fuel tanks removed, inspected and repaired as needed
All new wiring, circuit breakers, plugs and switches replaced
Every system and component was inspected, overhauled or replaced as needed
New instrument panel was fabricated and overhauled instruments installed
Armor plated pilot seats installed
New avionics package installed with new wiring and antennas
Bendix turrets installed upper and tail
Replica guns and ammo installed
The full advert for ‘Betty’s Dream’ can be found here: “BETTY’S DREAM”

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